
19 karmaJoined


I'm sorry; I'll keep her, and those close to her, in my prayers.

TLDR: I'd like to be a congressional staffer for either a Republican or non-partisan staff. I'm open to working on personal staff, committee staff, or leadership staff. 

Skills & background: I've been a gate guard at pools, manager of fireworks stands, and a middle/high school teacher. I have experience with JavaScript, Java, LaTeX, HTML, & CSS (especially JavaScript), and I’ve volunteered for a number of political campaigns. I'm very patient and polite, even with difficult people, and I have a very strong work ethic.

Location/remote: I'm currently located in Bristow, Virginia, which is already pretty close to Washington DC, but I'd be willing to relocate closer to Washington if necessary. I'm open to remote work, but I'd prefer an in-person position.

Availability & type of work: I can start immediately, and I'm interested in either part-time or full-time roles (even unpaid ones, so long as they’re with a congressional staff).

Resume/CV/LinkedIn: TPorterfield_Resume_2024C.docx

Email/contact: just shoot me an email at

Other notes: I'd prefer to work on AI policy, US foreign policy as a means of promoting human rights in foreign countries, and/or biorisk.

Well, I'm told the states Washington, California, New York, and New Jersey all have laws that limit what such clauses can require, but they probably only protect employees who report crimes, sexual harassment, and that sort of thing, which probably isn't that helpful in the AI alignment field, since I figure most of the risk in that area would come from companies developing AIs which are extremely powerful, but still (for now) legal to develop.

You may be interested in Superabundance by Marian Tupy and Gale Pooley. I haven't actually finished it, myself, but from what I've read so far they seem to argue that a greater population (which is a likely effect of poverty reduction) will, counterintuitively, increase wealth and prosperity since we'll have more workers, scientists, and inventors. I should mention, though, that it's published by a politically-conservative American think tank, so it may be somewhat biased in favor of limited government and against birth control.

I think you're wise to point out the potential risk of increasing the effectiveness of changing others' beliefs. Like any technology or technique, when we consider whether to contribute to its development, we have to consider both the potential harm it could do in the wrong hands and the potential good it could do in the right ones. I'm not sure enough people in the education and debiasing communities realize that.