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What best practices exist for responding to situations like COVID-19 (global, dynamic, hard to gather information around, etc) and how might they be applied?

How are decision makers and leaders deciding today? Based on what, what things could be built that would give them better inputs to their decisions in a way that they'd actually be likely to use and listen to?

Who/which type of people most need help right now related to the COVID response that most people are generally unaware of?

Based on human psychological biases, are there certain things that will almost always be handled irrationally in short-term urgent situations? If so, what potentially impactful project ideas does that imply?

Does the COVID pandemic present an opportunity for citizens to pressure leaders into using more effective decision making processes to decide what to do? And could some of those more effective decision making processes persist post-COVID, such that we end up with a lasting improvement in decision making at various levels of government?

Does the COVID pandemic present an opportunity to get around bureaucratic processes and make better software solutions for interfacing with government things - like PPP loans, unemployment, etc?

Who should be connected and collaborating where both parties would mutually want to, but they aren't?

From a subjective well being and psychological perspective, are there "free" things we can do that reduce the quality adjusted life years lost for people, without actually changing the literal response? For example, changes in ways things are framed, messaged, etc?

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