Michał Terpiłowski

Founder @ Michał Terpiłowski Foundation
-12 karmaJoined Working (6-15 years)osiedle Na Skarpie, Kraków, Polska


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Hi there!

I would like to share with you my insights into what I think money does represent.

My thesis is that other than the obvious function of giving us here and now the sense of security or by inflating our ego by having it, it's functionality in the present is quite limited.

What I mean by that is: -I can check the balance account on my computer. In this scenario it's function is to "turn on specific pixels on the monitor".

  • If I was extremely rich I could build something from a physical pile of it.
  • I can also manipulate the banknote by putting it in my wallet or by paying with it.

And it is this activity, the payment, which triggers the true function of money which is the representation of future possibilities.

In other words money become a manifestation of future possibilities in a form of present only when we transfer it and receive something in return.

What is even more interesting is that this function lies deeper than the psychological function mentioned before: If money didn't represent future possibilities we wouldn't feel safe by having it, money wouldn't have much of influence on our ego, other than maybe giving us joy of building a castle from pile of it.

I found this insight interesting hence decided to post it here and as always I'm interested in your thoughts on it.


Thanks for your insights. I don't think that our statements contradict each as the gist of my reasoning is that reasonable arguments may induce unreasonable fears.

I understand that you didn't like the way he speaks, but giving down vote without watching the whole thing seems to be bit unfair. In second part he departs from talking about replication crisis and dives deeper into the topic. I'd recommend watching it full before giving it a review.

I didn't know her personally. Her recent post about antipsychiatry research made me bit worried so I wrote to her privately with a proposition to talk about my experiences in the topic. I followed up few days ago... and now such news. It makes me feel sad, powerless and frustrated at the same time.

I'm no expert in most of these areas but I like the overall vibe of the approach so sign me in🙂