
12263 karmaJoined Boston, MA, USAjuliawise.net



I'm a contact person for the effective altruism community: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/hYh6jKBsKXH8mWwtc/a-contact-person-for-the-ea-community

Please feel free to contact me at julia.wise@centreforeffectivealtruism.org.

I work at CEA as a community liaison, trying to make the EA community stronger and more welcoming. 

Besides effective altruism, I'm interested in folk dance and trying to keep up with my three children.


2023 project on reforms in EA


Topic contributions

A post by the former Alvea folks, in case it helps you get in touch with them.

This is the Scott Alexander summation of it that sticks in my memory most: "if you’re against witch-hunts, and you promise to found your own little utopian community where witch-hunts will never happen, your new society will end up consisting of approximately three principled civil libertarians and seven zillion witches. It will be a terrible place to live even if witch-hunts are genuinely wrong.”

I don't know about that, your other work sounds pretty great!

Exciting! Best wishes for the event!

I was so sorry to learn this.

Some other resources:
5 steps to help someone who may be suicidal
Crisis resources around the world

Years ago Marisa was the first person to put in an application for several EA Globals, to where I was curious if she had some kind of notification set up. I asked her about it once, and she was surprised to hear that she’d been first; she was just very keen.

For others who were curious about what time difference this makes: looks like sex identification is possible at 9 days after the egg is laid, vs 21 days for the egg to hatch (plus an additional ~2 days between fertilization and the laying of the egg.)  Chicken embryonic development is really fast, with some stages measured in hours rather than days.

I admire your drive to help others!
I do think early in my life I underweighted shopping around because I was so focused on frugality (and it's easy to be discouraged when job searches take a long time). Best wishes as you explore the options.

I appreciate you helping others learn from your experiences, and I'm sorry they were difficult ones. Thank you for flagging the risks here.

I don't think this is correct; most of the US doesn't have any age limit on informal jobs like babysitting and yard work. It's typically legal for children of any age to work for their parents' business. My ten-year-old is sometimes keen to earn money by washing windows or raking leaves for our neighbors, and I don't see anything wrong with this as long as she can opt out when she wishes.

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