James Odene [User-Friendly]

Creative Director @ User-Friendly
501 karmaJoined Working (6-15 years)


I am a senior marketer and strategic consultant with extensive marketing experience in both B2B and charity industries and an MSC in International Marketing.

I have worked for and with a number of international animal advocacy organisations and vegan food brands alongside my work within the commercial sector, building up a firm understanding of how behavioural science and marketing can work together to optimise brand performance.

Having studied Behavioural Science for the past five years I ensure that all of my work and consultancy is both commercially sound and science-backed.

​James has spoken at conferences across the globe on marketing, positioning and behavioural science with his most recent CARE conference talk being voted as one of the top three talks of the entire event.

How I can help others

Marketing, strategy, campaign strategy, communications, behavioural science


Hey, thanks for reading.

Yeah, we wouldn't say that they were unsuccessful, just less-so.

In a broad sense, we'd expect ads that were poorly branded, rational arguments only and lacking in intrigue and interest as 'unsuccessful'

Hey, thanks for reading.

The objective for the campaign was increase the brand awareness (taking people from 'never heard of GWWC' to 'remember that they exist') and not conversion (taking people from 'remember that they exist' to 'doing something'). We would never expect people who had never heard of GWWC to hear about them for the first time and then pledge. It's going to take time to warm them up. It's also not part of our campaign test, or within our control the ability of the site to convert traffic.

That said, it's important to remember long-term branding work can produce conversion results, and in this case, we delivered 3x more pledge page views (for 4 mins and more) than organic traffic, and ~80% of all traffic hitting the pledge page.  So we were targeting engaged and interested people (as compared to organic traffic).

It's too early to know the pledge levels of this new audience as it'll take time and continued engagement to bring them along (we'd expect ~7 interactions before they act), but it's a good story that we're bringing a much larger audience to the table.

What's the basis of your hypothesis?

Thanks for your comment Melissa.

In terms of EA as a movement or individual orgs, I would vote for the latter. They typically will have clearer CTAs and modes of supporting their target audiences. Whereas we've seen many challenges to having one unified movement that must represent us all, and us all it. The fundementals of the approach can guide and inform the organisations, but I'm not sure 'the movement' needs to be a something we present to the gen-pop vs organisations, though of course I wouldn't see this as an either/or decision. Both need to improve the marketing work, but perhaps for different reasons.

Thanks for your message Jeffrey, always great to hear from fellow creatives.

Love seeing marketing in here! New organisations often haven't budgeted for their marketing needs. It would be great to see systemic change in funders making clear what's expected and that includes a marketing spend (in most cases).

Thanks for commenting.

Sure, I'd be happy to.

This first example of a research org is needing short-term action, so long-term branding for them would have ideally predated this need and built a bigger audience that knows their brand and would be likely to support. For this current need, they are using short-term activation marketing, but would get much greater success if they'd already committed to building their audience over a longer time. So the current ads for this purpose wouldn't be long-term, but would be support by past long-term marketing.

The startup charity aiming to acquire talent has 5 years to imbed their brand into the minds of likely future candidates. This long-term marketing could be relevant sponsorships, attending conferences, ads that are focused on making their brand memorable.

The "shopfront" EA org should be generating ads that are purely designed to capture peoples attention, impart the brand and some credibility. These could be 6 sec YouTube ads, social ads, sponsorships...

Broadly speaking, all long-term marketing has one major focus, and that is to be interesting enough to be remembered. It should therefore hone into emotions, humour, surprise - something that will leave an impression on the audience so that they are effectively warmer to the brand for when they (in the future) might come to want to engage.

If you consider this Rightmove ad, it's entire remit is to make you feel something, which you then associate with the brand. And it has no call to action. It's about logging the brand into your mind for whenever you might come to need to look for a place to live.

Hey Yonatan, thanks for reaching out! I think we're both at EAG DC over the next few days, let's meet up and chat about this? :)

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