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Lewis Bollard! I would like to hear (and I think others would find it useful) to hear about especially impactful initiatives in animal welfare/rights (and maybe also cover things that people thought would make a difference, which didn't). He works as program officer at Open Philanthropy but I am not suggesting him in an official capacity, just as someone who has a good overview of this area and has researched it (Lewis - sorry if you see this and you aren't keen!).  Or someone else who can speak about how to gauge what is effective in improving animal welfare/rights and perhaps has a point of view about what has been effective.

I would like to add to Darren Tindall's point. The initial post (which was fine in itself) was narrowly focused on individual women who have been victims of violent acts. But widespread violence against women has a cascading and corrosive effect on all women's wellbeing. There is effectively a "tax" on women, for being women. At night, women and girls will often pay for a taxi or uber, because they are not safe walking or taking public transport. Women everywhere often avoid parks or isolated areas, for fear of being attacked. The constant vigilance required takes a mental toll, as well as restricting their activities. In addition, this is violence aimed at them specifically BECAUSE they are women (a fact they can do nothing about).  Continued fearfulness, at home and in public places, has a cost, although it is difficult to assess that in dollar terms. It is not dissimilar to the cost of racism.