I would say that outside of conferences, I am less likely to get sick than most people I know.
However, EAGs and conferences in general are like the first week of uni or day care. It's a breeding ground for infectious diseases from all over the world!
I think everyone's risk of getting sick at events like this are higher than their normal risks of getting sick & the fact that this is a high risk area should be taken into account.
Sure, $1 is an underestimate. It's just the cost of the mask. Though it's harder to estimate the costs of discomfort / sound / seeing faces. How do we account for that?
IMO Nasal sprays seem like a higher friction option, because you have to actively use it multiple times throughout the day. Masks, you can put on & leave on & people are familiar with it. Maybe it's easier than I imagine & everyone could be spraying their nostrils every hour every day of EAG.
If nasal sprays were cost effective (which I don't think they are), why don't we offer them at conferences and tell people to use them?
Similarly for zinc lozenges. Those are evidence-based at reducing cold duration & preventing cold onset. Why don't we offer these at EAGs?
(Not saying you're the one who is responsible by replying to your comment)
I also have a fascination with this, and studied Neuroscience in my undergrad!
I recall a segment from an episode of Radiolab where Neuroscientist David Eagleman talks about the perception of time slowing down when you're falling.
I also recall reading an essay from Oliver Sack's "River of Consciousness" that was about how people with Tourette's experience time slowed down so much so that they could catch a fly because it moves in their time. And I also vaguely recall reading that for people with Parkinson's, or maybe just older people, they estimate/perceive that time is moving slower than it is.
Similar to you, I find that the feeling of slowing down time has to do with attention and creating distinct memories. It helps to have novelty, especially with travelling to new places that bring shared experiences with new people. Paying attention in order to write poetry puts me into the perfect space for slowing down time :)
How about only during large group gatherings? So talks, workshops, & while getting food.
You can take it off for 1:1s and anything else.
Is it a very different cost?