Crustacean Compassion


Crustacean Compassion was the recipient of a $10,four grants totaling $137,000 pilot grant byfrom the Animal Welfare Fund,[8] and, more recently,[9][10][11] and of a £575,grant of over $780,000 grant byfrom Open Philanthropy to support work to advance UK welfare reforms for decapod crustaceans.[9]12]

  1. ^

    Crustacean Compassion (2021) Take action, Crustacean Compassion.

  2. ^

    Crustacean Compassion (2021) The case for the legal protection of decapod crustaceans, Crustacean Compassion, July.

  3. ^

    Crustacean Compassion (2018) Open letter to Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, Crustacean Compassion, January 31.

  4. ^

    Birch, Jonathan et al. (2021) Review of the evidence of sentience in cephalopod molluscs and decapod crustaceans, London School of Economics.

  5. ^

    Crustacean Compassion (2021) Uk government recognises crabs, lobsters & prawns as sentient and plans to protect them!, Crustacean Compassion, November 21.

  6. ^

    Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (2021) Lobsters, octopus and crabs recognised as sentient beings, GOV.UK, November 19.

  7. ^

    Benyon, Richard (2021) Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill [HL], UK Parliament, May 13.

  8. ^

    Animal Welfare Fund (2019) November 2019: Animal Welfare Fund grants, Effective Altruism Funds, November.

  9. ^

    Animal Welfare Fund (2020) July 2020: Animal Welfare Fund grants, Effective Altruism Funds, July.

  10. ^

    Animal Welfare Fund (2020) November 21.2020: Animal Welfare Fund grants, Effective Altruism Funds, November.

  11. ^

    Animal Welfare Fund (2021) July 2021: Animal Welfare Fund grants, Effective Altruism Funds, July.

  12. ^

    Bollard, Lewis & Amanda Hungerford (2021) Crustacean Compassion — General support, Open Philanthropy, February 17.

In November 2021, following the publication of a report by the London School of Economics on decapod and cephalopod sentience,[4] the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill was amended to recognize crabs, octopuses and lobsters as sentient beings.[5][6][7]

Crustacean Compassion was the recipient of a $10,000 pilot grant by Animal Welfare Fund[7]8] and, more recently, of a £575,000 grant by Open Philanthropy to support work to advance UK welfare reforms for decapod crustaceans.[8]9]

Further reading

Benyon, Richard (2021) Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill [HL], UK Parliament, May 13.

  1. ^

    Crustacean Compassion (2021) Take action, Crustacean Compassion.

  2. ^

    Crustacean Compassion (2021) The case for the legal protection of decapod crustaceans, Crustacean Compassion, July.

  3. ^

    Crustacean Compassion (2018) Open letter to Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, Crustacean Compassion, January 31.

  4. ^

    Birch, Jonathan et al. (2021) Review of the evidence of sentience in cephalopod molluscs and decapod crustaceans, London School of Economics.

  5. ^

    Crustacean Compassion (2021) Uk government recognises crabs, lobsters & prawns as sentient and plans to protect them!, Crustacean Compassion, November 21.

  6. ^

    Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (2021) Lobsters, octopus and crabs recognised as sentient beings, GOV.UK, November 19.

  7. ^

    Benyon, Richard (2021) Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill [HL], UK Parliament, May 13.

  8. ^

    Animal Welfare Fund (2019) November 2019: Animal Welfare Fund grants, Effective Altruism Funds, November 21.

  9. ^

    Bollard, Lewis & Amanda Hungerford (2021) Crustacean Compassion — General support, Open Philanthropy, February 17.

Crustacean Compassion's activities so far have focused on organizing a public petition to include crustaceans as a class of animals protected by the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill (Crustacean Compassion 2021a);Bill;[1]  releasing a report outlining the ethical, legal and scientific arguments for the protection of crustaceans (Crustacean Compassion 2021b);crustaceans;[2] and drafting an open letter to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, signed by over fifty animal welfare scientists and other relevant experts, asserting the sentience of crustaceans and calling for their protection (Crustacean Compassion 2018).protection.[3]

In November 2021, following the publication of a report by the London School of Economics on decapod and cephalopod sentience (Birch et al. 2021),sentience,[4] the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill was amended to recognize crabs, octopuses and lobsters as sentient beings (Crustacean Compassion 2021c; Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs 2021).beings.[5][6]

Crustacean Compassion was the recipient of a $10,000 pilot grant by Animal Welfare Fund (Animal Welfare Fund 2019)[7] and, more recently, of a £575,000 grant by Open Philanthropy to support work to advance UK welfare reforms for decapod crustaceans (Bollard & Hungerford 2021).crustaceans.[8]

BibliographyFurther reading

Animal Welfare Fund (2019) November 2019: Animal Welfare Fund grants, Effective Altruism Funds, November 21.

Birch, Jonathan et al. (2021) Review of the evidence of sentience in cephalopod molluscs and decapod crustaceans, London School of Economics.

Bollard, Lewis & Amanda Hungerford (2021) Crustacean Compassion — General support, Open Philanthropy, February 17.

Crustacean Compassion (2018) Open letter to Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, Crustacean Compassion, January 31.

Crustacean Compassion (2021a) Take action, Crustacean Compassion.

Crustacean Compassion (2021b) The case for the legal protection of decapod crustaceans, Crustacean Compassion, July.

Crustacean Compassion (2021c) Uk government recognises crabs, lobsters & prawns as sentient and plans to protect them!, Crustacean Compassion, November 21.

Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (2021) Lobsters, octopus and crabs recognised as sentient beings, GOV.UK, November 19.

  1. ^

    Crustacean Compassion (2021) Take action, Crustacean Compassion.

  2. ^

    Crustacean Compassion (2021) The case for the legal protection of decapod crustaceans, Crustacean Compassion, July.

  3. ^

    Crustacean Compassion (2018) Open letter to Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, Crustacean Compassion, January 31.

  4. ^

    Birch, Jonathan et al. (2021) Review of the evidence of sentience in cephalopod molluscs and decapod crustaceans, London School of Economics.

  5. ^

    Crustacean Compassion (2021) Uk government recognises crabs, lobsters & prawns as sentient and plans to protect them!, Crustacean Compassion, November 21.

  6. ^

    Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (2021) Lobsters, octopus and crabs recognised as sentient beings, GOV.UK, November 19.

  7. ^

    Animal Welfare Fund (2019) November 2019: Animal Welfare Fund grants, Effective Altruism Funds, November 21.

  8. ^

    Bollard, Lewis & Amanda Hungerford (2021) Crustacean Compassion — General support, Open Philanthropy, February 17.

In November 2021, following the publication of a report by the London School of Economics on decapod and cephalopod sentience (Birch et al. 2021), the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill was amended to recognize crabs, octopuses and lobsters as sentient beings (Crustacean Compassion 2021c; Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs 2021).

Birch, Jonathan et al. (2021) Review of the evidence of sentience in cephalopod molluscs and decapod crustaceans, London School of Economics.

Crustacean Compassion (2021c) Uk government recognises crabs, lobsters & prawns as sentient and plans to protect them!, Crustacean Compassion, November 21.

Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (2021) Lobsters, octopus and crabs recognised as sentient beings, GOV.UK, November 19.

Benyon, Richard (2021) Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill [HL[HL]], UK Parliament, May 13.

Crustacean Compassion is a nonprofit organization that campaigns for the humane treatment of crabs, lobsters and other decapod crustaceans in the United Kingdom.


Crustacean Compassion's activities so far have focused on organizing a public petition to include crustaceans as a class of animals protected by the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill (Crustacean Compassion 2021a); releasing a report outlining the ethical, legal and scientific arguments for the protection of crustaceans (Crustacean Compassion 2021b); and drafting an open letter to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, signed by over fifty animal welfare scientists and other relevant experts, asserting the sentience of crustaceans and calling for their protection (Crustacean Compassion 2018).


Crustacean Compassion was the recipient of a $10,000 pilot grant by Animal Welfare Fund (Animal Welfare Fund 2019) and, more recently, of a £575,000 grant by Open Philanthropy to support work to advance UK welfare reforms for decapod crustaceans (Bollard & Hungerford 2021).


Animal Welfare Fund (2019) November 2019: Animal Welfare Fund grants, Effective Altruism Funds, November 21.

Benyon, Richard (2021) Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill [HL], UK Parliament, May 13.

Bollard, Lewis & Amanda Hungerford (2021) Crustacean Compassion — General support, Open Philanthropy, February 17.

Crustacean Compassion (2018) Open letter to Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, Crustacean Compassion, January 31.

Crustacean Compassion (2021a) Take action, Crustacean Compassion.

Crustacean Compassion (2021b) The case for the legal protection of decapod crustaceans, Crustacean Compassion, July.

External links

Crustacean Compassion. Official website.

Related entries

farmed animal welfare

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