Compassionate Future Initiative

Online Group
Cause Area

We are Effective Altruists working towards the abolition of (severe) suffering for all sentient beings. We organize regular online community and working meetups, and will plan real life retreats. 

The online meetups serve as a platform to grow a global community for motivating each other and collaborating on initiatives towards the abolition of suffering.  If you are interested, check out our new website to dive into the topic of suffering abolition and find cause areas and initiatives to work on: 

You are welcome to join us on:

We are planning to attend EAG London 2025 (06 - 08 Jun). See

We hope to organize suffering abolitionist lightning talks and meetups during these events. 

Let us know whether you plan to attend and are interested to meetup, or whether you know of other conferences and events that we should attend to advocate for Suffering Abolitionism.


To find us in EA Gather Town see the white path from the Main Area entrance to our Suffering Abolitionist hall:

Upcoming events

djo-Jugenddorf am Müggelsee, Fürstenwalder Damm, Berlin-Treptow-Köpenick

Past events